Inner Element Wellness Mini Dosha Quiz
The purpose of the Inner Element Wellness Dosha quiz is to help individuals gain a better understanding of their mind-body constitution and identify any imbalances that may be present. By determining their dominant dosha, individuals can gain insights into their unique physical, mental, and emotional tendencies. This information can then be used to make informed choices about lifestyle, diet, exercise, and self-care practices to promote balance and overall well-being. The quiz serves as a starting point for individuals to explore Ayurveda and personalize their approach to health and wellness.
**Grading Key Below
Grading Key:
If you scored—
Mostly A’s (30-45%) = Vata Dominant
Mostly B’s (45-75%) = Pitta Dominant
Mostly C’s (75-100%) = Kapha Dominant
*Please note this quiz is designed as a way to get you thinking more about your personal mind-body type and should not be used as a definitive understanding of your dosha. Schedule an Ayurveda Wellness Consultation with Sydney for further guidance.
Vata Dominant
Vata Dosha is one of the three primary doshas in Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine. It is associated with the elements of air and space. Vata governs all movement in the body, including breathing, circulation, and nerve impulses. It is responsible for creativity, enthusiasm, and quick thinking when in balance. However, when Vata becomes imbalanced, it can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and digestive issues. Vata types are typically slender, with a light frame, dry skin, and cold hands and feet. They are often energetic, imaginative, and adaptable. To maintain balance, Vata types should focus on grounding activities, warm and nourishing foods, and a regular routine.
You Learned Your what? I created a guidebook specifically to help you learn more about caring for your Vata Dosha. This guidebook combines essential information on nutrition, self-care, yoga, and breathwork, creating a holistic resource for balancing Vata.
Pitta Dominant
Pitta Dosha is another one of the three primary doshas in Ayurveda. It is associated with the elements of fire and water. Pitta governs metabolism, digestion, and transformation in the body. It is responsible for our ability to digest and assimilate food, as well as our capacity for intellectual and analytical thinking. When in balance, Pitta types are focused, determined, and have a strong appetite for knowledge. However, when Pitta becomes imbalanced, it can lead to anger, irritability, and inflammatory conditions. Pitta types are usually of medium build, with a strong appetite, warm body temperature, and a tendency towards oily skin. They are often ambitious, organized, and have good leadership qualities. To maintain balance, Pitta types should focus on cooling activities, moderation in their diet, and practicing relaxation techniques to reduce stress.
Kapha Dominant
Kapha Dosha is the third primary dosha in Ayurveda. It is associated with the elements of earth and water. Kapha governs stability, structure, and lubrication in the body. It is responsible for our physical strength, endurance, and overall immunity. When in balance, Kapha types are calm, compassionate, and have a steady energy. They have a strong build, smooth and moist skin, and a tendency to gain weight easily. However, when Kapha becomes imbalanced, it can lead to sluggishness, weight gain, and feelings of heaviness. Kapha types are usually strong, with a slower metabolism, and they have a natural inclination towards routine and stability. To maintain balance, Kapha types should focus on regular exercise, stimulating activities, and a diet that is light, warm, and low in fat. They should also engage in activities that promote mental and emotional stimulation to avoid stagnation.
Schedule your Free Initial Consultation with Sydney to learn how you can better align with your Dosha in your daily life: