What is Ayurveda?

This is the most commonly asked question that I receive when explaining what it is I do.

  • The Dictionary defines Ayurveda as: “the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.”

  • The Cleveland Clinic define Ayurveda as: “The word “Ayurveda” is derived from Sanskrit and means “science of life.” In Ayurveda, there’s an underlying belief that everything in life is connected. Because of this, general health and wellness rely on achieving balance and harmony.”

  • The National Ayurveda Medical Association define Ayurveda as: “ The Sanskrit term Ayurveda translates to “knowledge of life,” and the principles of this ancient wisdom remind us that the entire web of life is intricately interwoven. With a unique emphasis on total wellness, the art and science of Ayurveda work to harmonize our internal and external worlds.”

While these are all adequate definitions of Ayurveda. I’d like to share my own personal definition of Ayurveda. “it is that medicine that leads you to healing yourself.” Often times we give away our power in healing to an external medicine, a pill, a diet, a doctor, a healer who promises to heal us.” However, we often miss out on the most important part of the healing process— Ourselves. It is our willingness to own our healing power, to take responsibility for our health and to actively participate in our healing process. Ayurveda provides you with the directions and guidance for you to become your own Healer.

It is also the medicine that connects us to the larger natural world that we are a part of. It is wonderful that we have technology and we have made tremendous advancements in health and science. However, we remain sick, we remain tired, we remain feeling disconnected. That is where Ayurveda’s healing wisdom comes in. It heals the sick, energizes the tired, and mends the disconnection we have from ourselves, each other and the world.

I encourage those who are ready to step on the path to healing their life to open themselves to the wisdom of this healing science. Ayurveda addresses each person individually and provides you with the specific tools and guidance that will most support you into stepping into your Highest & Best self.

I am here for you as a guide on your path to health and harmony when you are ready!

Love & Light,
